In No Greater Friend: A Tribute to Dogs and the Owners Who Love Them, Liz Schatzlein examines the very special bond that exists between humans and their canine companions. Through a series of vignettes, Liz shares the stories of some remarkable dogs and even more remarkable dog owners. From Harley, the blind hunting dog, to Midnight, the sign-language-reading poodle, and dozens of dogs in between, the reader will be captivated and moved by the depths of affection exhibited by dog and master.
"Marcia Adams: Change of Heart", produced at WBGU-PBS, aired worldwide on PBS and BBC stations in February and March of 2002. PBS stations in more than 100 U.S. markets carried the program; 150 million Americans viewed the show.The program is a documentary about women and heart disease that also covers the PBS celebrity's heart transplant.LMS chairman Liz Schatzlein's production company, Pugger Productions, co-produced the show with Adams. Liz also wrote and narrated the program.
Fort Wayne (October 1, 2001) -- After a successful six-year run, Liz Schatzlein has resigned her post as producer/host of the Fort Wayne PBS affiliate's most popular locally-originated program, Healthline. Her "swan song" at WFWA was the September broadcast of Everybody Reads: the 20-Minute Miracle. This special program was an outgrowth of Liz's efforts to improve literacy in Allen County.